= Toulouse Campus Surveillance Dataset The Toulouse Campus Surveillance Dataset (ToCaDa) aims at paving the way for multidisciplinary approaches and applications such as 4D-scene reconstruction, object identification/tracking, audio event detection and multi-sources meta-data modeling and querying. 25 cameras were scattered around the university campus of Université Paul Sabatier in Toulouse. 17 of them are located around a main building and offer overlapping fields of view, as it can be seen in the figure below: {{:public:iritsitefigrefaite2.jpg|}} The 8 remaining cameras are located further: {{:public:siteirittransp.jpg|}} 2 scenarios were shot, resulting in a total of 50 videos. These videos were then synchronized. Videos from the first scenario last 4 min 48 and videos from the second scenario last 5 min 40. Update March 5th 2020: post treatments have been applied on videos to blur faces of people and car plates. == Download The videos can be downloaded on the links below: **Full resolution** (mostly 1920x1080): Scenario 1: https://zenodo.org/record/3697806/files/Scenario1FullRes.zip Scenario 2: https://zenodo.org/record/3697806/files/Scenario2FullRes.zip **Medium resolution** (960x540): Scenario 1: https://zenodo.org/record/3697806/files/Scenario1MediumRes.zip Scenario 2: https://zenodo.org/record/3697806/files/Scenario2MediumRes.zip **Low resolution** (640x360): Scenario 1: https://zenodo.org/record/3697806/files/Scenario1LowRes.zip Scenario 2: https://zenodo.org/record/3697806/files/Scenario2LowRes.zip **Video annotations files** are available on the following links: Scenario 1: https://zenodo.org/record/3697806/files/Scenario1VideoAnnotations.zip Scenario 2: https://zenodo.org/record/3697806/files/Scenario2VideoAnnotations.zip **Audio annotations files** are available on the following links: Scenario 1: https://zenodo.org/record/3697806/files/Scenario1AudioAnnotations.zip Scenario 2: https://zenodo.org/record/3697806/files/Scenario2AudioAnnotations.zip **The different events** can be downloaded on the following link: https://cloud.irit.fr/index.php/s/Xs3JUHY0mpWCAzk == Irregularities Due to the wide variety of devices used during the shooting of the two scenarios, issues were encountered on some cameras, leading to videos where a few seconds are lacking. To ensure temporal synchronization between videos, black frames were added on the missing intervals of time. We list these particular videos and their lacking times below: F1C3: the first 66 seconds are missing. F1C5: the first 2 seconds are missing. F1C8: the first 3 seconds are missing. F1C13: the first 10 seconds are missing. F1C15: the first second is missing. F1C19: the first second is missing. F2C1: the video is accelerated and only lasts a few seconds. We thus did not provide it. F2C6: lacks from 4:01 to 4:12 and from 4:25 to 4:28. F2C16: lack from 5:15 to 5:26. Some videos were recorded with mobile devices whose pixel resolution was lower than 1920 x 1080: F1C3 and F2C3: pixel resolution is 1280 x 720. F1C4 and F2C4: pixel resolution is 640 x 480. F1C15 and F2C15: pixel resolution is 1280 x 720. F1C20 and F2C20: pixel resolution is 1440 x 1080.