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Master Degree Track:

Performance in Software, Media and Scientific Computing

University of Toulouse

INPT-ENSEEIHT Eng. School and Paul Sabatier Faculty of Science and Engineering

This describes a previous version of the formation, ending in August 2022. Please consult the current version starting in Septembre 2022.

This international master track titled 'Performance in Software, Media and Scientific Computing' or PSMSC is a one-year programme taught by the University of Toulouse. It prepares master students for top level careers or PhD programs in several application domains that require use of hardware, software and programming techniques to accelerate data-intensive computations and ensure reliable execution of cutting-edge applications. The PSMSC track combines a set of common core lectures with concentration courses aligned with career preparation needs for each student. Specifics about performance in software development (SD), media processing (MP) and scientific computing (SC) are taught through three concentration areas.

Students must follow the 4 core technical courses and scientific english lectures, select one concentration area (SD or MP or SC), take the three specific courses from this selected area and reach overall the number of required credits (30 ECTS by semester). Students’ studies are based on an academic calendar beginning in mid-September and ending in July. The year (a 2nd year of MSc, see application conditions below) is divided into two semesters: Fall semester (from September to January) and Spring semester (from February to July). Courses may be taught in English during Fall semester. Spring semester consists both in a research methodology project and a long internship proposed by companies or research institutes.

Application conditions

Students must have successfully completed at least 4 years of higher education before entering into our PSMSC track. Applications are expected from students enrolled in (finishing) their first year of master (or alternatively from 2nd year engineer students). Graduation at MSc. level is expected after one year in the PSMSC programme.

Application calendar (2021)

Our track welcomes applications starting from Feb. 2021. Applications will be evaluated by the end of June 2021. Core courses will start Sept 27th, 2021 in downtown Toulouse (ENSEEIHT Campus), France.


Pr. Philippe Queinnec

Core courses (in brief)

Fall semester
  • Theory of distributed systems (4ECTS, Philippe Queinnec, Code:TDS).
  • Cloud computing and big data (4ECTS, Daniel Hagimont, Code:CCB).
  • High performance parallel programming (4ECTS, Patrick Amestoy, Code:HPP).
  • Datamining: theory and practice (4ECTS, Sandrine Mouysset, Code:DTP).
  • Scientific english (2ECTS, Anne Brittain, Code:ENG).
Spring semester
  • Research methodology (10 ECTS, Philippe Queinnec, Code:RSM).
  • Long Internship (20 ECTS - 4-6 months, Philippe Queinnec, Code:INT)

Concentration courses - SD Area - Software Development (in brief)

Fall semester
  • Information systems (4ECTS, Yamine Ait Ameur, Code:INS)
  • Logic, proofs and tests (4ECTS, Pierre Roux, Code:LPT).
  • Rigorous modeling of complex systems (4ECTS, Neeraj Singh, Code: MCS)

Concentration courses - MP Area - Media Processing (in brief)

Fall semester
  • Multimedia content analysis (4ECTS, Sylvie Chambon, Code:MCA).
  • High performance media delivery (4ECTS, Geraldine Morin, Code:HMD).
  • High performance in visual processing (4ECTS, Simone Gasparini, Code:HMP).

Concentration courses - SC Area - Scientific Computing (in brief)

Fall semester
  • Numerical methods for large linear systems (4ECTS, Alfredo Buttari, Code:NML)
  • Data assimilation and optimization (4ECTS, Serge Gratton, Code: DA)
  • Bayesian analysis (4ECTS, Pascal Laveau/Joseph Gergaud, Code:BYA)

Details about teaching units

public/res-ens/psmsc.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/20 10:00 by